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Our skin requires plenty of vitamins and nutrients to keep it looking and feeling its best. But what you may not know is that your skin is ‘last in line’ for nutrients, as it is more expendable than other organs in the body. Vitamins will go elsewhere before they get to your skin, so if your vitamin levels are lower than they should be, your skin will miss out. Therefore, you need to keep your levels of vitamins and nutrients up naturally by eating plenty of fresh fruit, vegetables, good protein and good carbohydrates. You can also put vitamins back into your skin by using creams and lotions that contain healthy skin ingredients. I show you the best ingredients for your skin below.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E is an important healthy skin ingredient as it helps to fight against both free radical damage and damage from the sun. Lack of vitamin E will cause lackluster, dull skin that appears lifeless and without spark. You can put vitamin E back into your body by eating foods that are rich in the vitamin, including spinach, wheat germ and sunflower seeds, but you can also put it back into your body by using creams rich in vitamin E. Vitamin E creams are available from all good pharmacists at both a high end and low end price range.
Essential Fatty Acids
Essential fatty acids are essential because they help to balance the skin, whether it is dry or greasy. These fatty acids help to form a barrier across your skin, stopping it from drying out or from being more susceptible to skin disorders like eczema, and they also help to prevent skin inflammation. You can take supplements to increase your levels of essential fatty acids, but you can also take them in by eating foods such as oily fish. Flaxseed oil capsules and evening primrose oil capsules are good supplemental choices.
This may sound like a strange one, but new research has come to light that indicates that garlic could actually prolong the life cell of skin cells, helping them to maintain their shape, thus helping to combat some of the signs of aging. There is also evidence to suggest that a diet that includes garlic can help to increase your immunity levels, so that you can fight off infection and bacteria more easily. Take in garlic by including it in the preparation of your food (as it does give things a lovely flavor) or if you don’t like it, take it in in capsule form, available from all good health food shops.
Protein is literally the building block to healthy skin, making it essential to include in your diet. Unfortunately, many vegetarians and vegans can miss out on getting the right amount of protein they need as it isn’t found in particularly high levels in fruits and vegetables, and so they could miss out on some of the benefits that protein can offer. A diet rich in oily fish, non-oily fish, chicken, lean beef or game, tofu and Quorn is a diet rich in protein. Speak to your doctor for more ways to take in protein if you are a vegetarian or vegan.
Your body is made up of up to 60% water – and it’s an essential part of keeping a healthy body and mind. Not having enough water in your body will cause illness and ultimately death if you go without for long enough, so it’s important to keep hydrated for both your health and your skin. Skin that isn’t hydrated will be dry, flaky and dull, so drink at least eight large glasses of water a day to keep your skin in tip top condition.

Skin Care-ing for Winter

Winter can be one of the harshest seasons on your skin, due to both the cold winds and weather outside and the high heating and humidity inside. These hugely differing temperatures can play havoc with even the most balanced of skin types, so it’s important that you look after it in a certain way.

What Happens to Our Skin in Winter?
When you are outside in cold weather, the chilly weather results in poor circulation, as the blood within your body cannot travel as quickly as when the weather is warm, meaning that nutrients and oxygen cannot get to where they are needed as quickly as they are needed. As a result of this, your skin can appear lackluster and dull and red tones within your skin can appear more noticeable.
When you are inside in cold weather, with central heating systems, your skin can become dry and flaky as it loses moisture. As a result of this, it can feel very tight and in general, very uncomfortable.
Shifting quickly between hot and cold environments can stress your skin out as it struggles to keep up with the change in temperatures, causing red skin, widened capillaries, loss of hydration and irritated skin.
Keeping Your Skin Healthy
Because of the stress that your skin is put under in the winter, your focus should be on putting moisture and hydration back into your skin. You should also focus on keeping your skin protected against the sun, as sun damage in the winter will cause dry, red skin.
Go easy on your skin and use gentle cleansers. If your normal cleanser is an astringent one, set it to one side to use again in the summer. Because your skin is already under lots of stress in the winter, using a gentle cleanser means that you’re not putting it under any more unnecessary stress – using an astringent cleanser would only damage it more. A creamy, mild cleanser will also help to put some moisture back into your skin.
You should also skip the toner in the winter. Toner contains alcohol, which will dry your skin out even further, so in the winter skip this and simply do a thorough job of cleansing your skin to remove dirt and dead skin cells. Exfoliating scrubs should also be dialed down to twice a month, as your skin becomes more sensitive immediately after a scrub, so the best thing to do for your skin is to minimize this sensitivity. Don’t skip on the scrubs altogether though, as they are fantastically useful for keeping skin youthful and healthy – just make sure to use a heavy moisturizer after you’ve performed a scrub to put some of that moisture back into your skin.
You can also afford to go heavier on the moisturizer in the winter as your skin will always be drier than it is in the summer. Look for moisturizers that contain primrose oil, jelly, shea butter and almond oil. Make sure that when you apply moisturizer, you wait at least thirty minutes before going outside. If the moisturizer hasn’t fully penetrated your skin, going out in the cold could cause tiny ice particles to form on the skin’s surface or could cause your skin to become incredibly cold incredibly quickly, making it dry even though you just put moisture back into it.
Take care of your hands by using a thick heavy moisturizer on them – you should also wear gloves if you’re going out in particularly cold weather as your hands can be very sensitive to changes in heat. Don’t forget your lips either – take a chapstick out with you in your pocket or bag so that your lips can stay hydrated on the go.
Ultimately, skin needs to be pampered in the winter – so use it an as excuse to pamper yourself!

Tips merawat rambut kering

1. Jangan mewarnai dan meluruskan rambut yang kering. Pewarnaan dan peluru rambut bisa membuat rambut semakin kering dan rusak.
2. Pijat kulit kepala menggunakan minyak hangat. Anda bisa menggunakan minyak kelapa atau minyak zaitun untuk hasil terbaik.
3. Jangan cuci rambut menggunakan air hangat, karena bisa meningkatkan kadar kekeringan pada kulit kepala. Ini juga bisa menyebabkan kulit kepala mengelupas. Gunakan air yang tak terlalu hangat dan cuci rambut dua kali seminggu.
4. Gunakan sampo dan kondisioner secara terpisah. Kemudian biarkan kondisioner di ujung rambut selama 10 - 15 menit untuk menghindari akar rambut dan melembabkan rambut untuk mencegah rontok.
5. Gunakan kondisioner yang terbuat dari susu kelapa. Gunakan juga kondisioner yang mengandung protein, telur, dan yogurt, kemudian pijat di kulit kepala. Biarkan selama lima sampai 10 menit, kemudian cuci hingga bersih.
6. Jika rambut terlalu kering dan bercabang, memangkas ujung rambut secara teratur mungkin diperlukan agar rambut terlihat lebih indah dan rapi.
Itulah beberapa tips untuk merawat rambut kering karena cuaca panas atau dingin. Selamat mencoba!

Tips merawat kuku agar senantiasa indah dan terawat

1. Bagi seorang perempuan pada umumnya, penggunaan pewarna kuku merupakan salah satu bagian dari fashion atau daya tarik tersendiri yang akan mengangkat rasa percaya diri. Tapi menggunakan pewarna kuku terus menerus juga tidak baik karena dapat membuat kuku terlihat kuning dan rapuh. Untuk itu, biasakan untuk tidak menggunakan pewarna kuku sehari dalam seminggu agar kuku Anda dapat beristirahat.

2. Agar kuku menjadi kuat dan tidak gampang patah, gunakanlah belimbing sayur dan gosok-gosokkan di dasar kuku. Dapat juga direndam ke dalam cuka apel dan minyak zaitun yang sudah dihangatkan.

3. Terbiasa melakukan pekerjaan rumah tangga dapat membuat kuku dan tangan menjadi kasar. Untuk melembutkan tangan, rendamlah tangan kita ke dalam jus jeruk yang telah dicampur madu selama 10 menit.

4. Untuk menghapus noda pada kuku, rendamlah tangan ke dalam air hangat yang telah diberikan air jeruk nipis selama 15-20 menit. Karena air jeruk mengandung astringent yang dapat menghilangkan warna kusam pada kuku.

5. Pertumbuhan kuku tangan setiap minggunya sekitar 0,5-1,5 mm yaitu empat kali lebih cepat daripada pertumbuhan kuku kaki. Untuk itu, usahakan agar kuku tangan kita tetap pendek untuk mengeliminir masuknya kuman-kuman atau bibit penyakit berlebihan melalui kuku.

6. Untuk mencegah kuku dari kekeringan dan terutama khusus buat akhwat atau perempuan pada umumnya, berikanlah krim khusus untuk kuku dan jangan menggunakan penghapus pewarna kuku yang mengandung bahan kimia.

7. Tidak hanya perawatan dari luar, untuk menjaga kesehatan kuku dapat juga dilakukan dengan minum susu secara rutin dan bila memungkinkan bisa setiap hari. Karena susu mengandung kalsium tinggi yang berguna untuk menjaga kuku agar tetap kuat.

Tips fashion korea (untuk si tubuh pendek)

1. Pakailah setelan pakaian dengan warna yang sama, monokromatik 

2. Celana berpinggang tinggi dan celana jeans membantu kalian tampil lebih tinggi.

3. Kamu juga bisa memilih rok berpinggang tinggi. Bawahan jenis ini menambahkan faktor ilusi tinggi untuk penampilan 

4. Hindari penggunaan celana dengan model ujung bawah yang melebar. Jenis pakaian ini akan membuat tubuh terlihat lebih pendek 

5. Gunakan pakaian warna gelap, bukan yang cerah. Warna gelap dalam nada monokromatik menambahkan ilusi tinggi.

6. Untuk aksesoris sabuk, kenakan sabuk ramping. Jangan pernah menggunakan sabuk yang lebar, 

7. Jika kalian menyukai penggunaan pakain bergaris, pilihlah pakaian dengan garis vertikal.

8. Pilihlah model rambut pendek, yang akan memberikan ilusi tampak tinggi pada penampilan kamu.


STREET FASH-ion (dresses)

SNEAKERS Sho-e ({})


My sweety, My Nike

Are U mad SIST?!

Metrooo~ Vans 

Shinny ~ Blinkyy





Adidas Flew away

sneakers like heaven

Hot Summer Beach


sweet but hottie dangerous


walk alone in summer 




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